This is a big title fight—one held in many homes each spring. It’s allergy season taking on the air quality in a house, and the losers can be anyone in the house who suffers from even mild allergies and asthma. This can be a miserable time of the year for these people, and with many trapped indoors this year, there isn’t much chance to get away from the concentration of allergens and asthma triggers that build up indoors.
But if your home has to duel it out with allergy season each year, you don’t have to fight the battle alone. We can help you!
The allergy season dilemma
Let’s get to know the enemy. Why does “allergy season” happen at all?
When the weather starts to warm up, it causes a spring bloom. The warmer weather is pleasant—who doesn’t like it when the cold starts to ebb?—and the flora sure looks pretty. But the bloom of plants and the warmer temperatures causes a release of pollen into the air, where it thrives. This pollen isn’t just from flowers. Ragweed, trees, and grass are major sources of allergens in the air. Mold spores are common as well during spring, and these are big allergy triggers. If your house has pets, they also start to shed fur at this time and that puts more dander into the air.
As the pollen count rises in the air, it leads to many seasonal allergy problems, such as runny noses, sneezing, congestion, raspy breathing, itchy eyes and skin, and a general feeling of “ickiness.” Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) is the most common allergic reaction during the season.
Staying inside isn’t much protection
“Wait, I’m staying indoors most of the time because of COVID-19. Why should I have problems with spring allergies?”
It sounds sensible, right? But your home isn’t the fortress against outside air you may think it is. Pollen travels—that’s the point of pollen as a plant reproductive strategy. You only have to go for a short walk outside or open up the windows for fresh air and you’ll let the allergens inside, where they’ll circulate through your HVAC system.
How we can help
Now, don’t despair. You don’t have to find a way to seal up your house entirely and give up those healthy walks that are necessary during the pandemic so you don’t go stir crazy. We can help you enjoy better air quality with IAQ solutions that trap or zap the most common allergens of the season. Air filtration systems can remove the larger particles, and to handle smaller ones we can find an air purifier in Ceres, CA that targets the specific seasonal allergens that bother your house. For example, a UV air purifier targets mold spores and bacteria, which are huge troubles for people with asthma and allergies.
Spring hasn’t officially started, but it’s almost here—as is the warmer weather that will cause the pollen count to skyrocket. Now is the time to prepare your home and family with indoor air quality services. Speak to our experts today and we’ll see what you need to make allergy season as sniffle and sneeze-free as possible.
Greenhart serves Modesto, CA with great indoor air quality services. Let us help you “Live Green, Save Green!”