Why Do AC Air Filters Need to be Regularly Changed?

April 26th, 2021

You may have heard an HVAC technician tell you at some point that your air conditioner’s air filter needs to be changed. Have you wondered why? Maybe you assumed that a dirty air filter is an issue because it doesn’t protect your indoor air quality when it’s too clogged up. This isn’t quite right, though.

It’s true, when this air filter gets clogged up, it won’t be able to draw in particles from the air. However, that’s not even the purpose of this particular air filter. No, this air filter is in place to protect the interior components of the HVAC system itself. While it doesn’t hurt your indoor air quality, it’s actually in place to protect the integrity of the air conditioner.

So what happens when you don’t change your air filter regularly (every 1-3 months)? The following:

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Should You Upgrade to a New AC This Spring?

April 19th, 2021

As the weather warms up during the spring and you can start to imagine the hot temperatures of summer, you may begin to consider your home’s air conditioning system and wonder if you should keep it around. The AC may already be old (over 15 years) and ready to be replaced, or it might be already struggling to do its job and repairs are simply too expensive to justify.

Or … maybe you want an air conditioning system with higher energy efficiency because you know you’re paying too much to run your current one. 

If you’re on the fence about making an AC upgrade this spring, we can help you with the air conditioning service in Escalon, CA to find a great solution.

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The Power of Professional Drain Cleaning

April 12th, 2021

Imagine this scenario: you come home after a long day of work. You start chopping vegetables and cooking your dinner. You go to dump the cooking byproducts down the drain and… your kitchen sink is backed up.

So, you reach for that bottle of store-bought liquid drain cleaner you keep under the sink, clear the clog, and call it a night. But what if we told you this is exactly what you shouldn’t do? Chemical drain cleaners of this nature are not the answer—in fact, they can actually do more harm than good. Read on as we uncover the problems with store-bought drain cleaners and the power of professional drain cleaning.

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Why Your House May Need an Air Purifier

April 5th, 2021

You want air in your home that’s not only pleasant to breathe, but healthy for you and your family. Good ventilation is a starting place, followed by having our professionals install an air filtration system. Sometimes, these steps will do the job necessary for the best indoor air quality.

But you may need to go a step further and have an air purification system installed; i.e. an electronic air purifier that uses ionization, UV lights, or another process to remove pollutants from the air. We think air purifiers are a good idea in general, but we want to address why your house specifically may need air purification along with air filtration and improved ventilation.

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How to Prevent Plumbing Damage

March 29th, 2021

There are a number of problems that can befall a plumbing system over the course of a year. Fortunately, we don’t live in an area that suffers from frozen and burst pipes too often, but that doesn’t mean we don’t experience our fair share of leaks, clogs, and the like.

We’re always here when you need plumbing help, but we would like to help you prevent plumbing issues, too. The good news is, there are some pretty easy ways to do this. Some preventive steps include investing in plumbing maintenance, which we’ll expand on below. Other steps don’t require any money at all—just doing your due diligence.

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An Aging Heater Becomes an Inefficient Heater

March 22nd, 2021

We encourage our customers to think about their home heating systems as the winter comes to a close. Although the climate doesn’t immediately turn warmer as soon as the calendar switches to spring—as much as we’d like it to—this is the season to assess how well your heater has operated over the year and if it’s time to get a new one.

On that subject, we’d like to talk about age and heating systems to help you understand why an older heater, even one that is still “getting the job done,” is a good candidate for a replacement.

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Signs Your Home is Struggling With Hard Water

March 15th, 2021

Have you heard the term hard water before? Perhaps you have, but aren’t quite sure what it is or why it matters. First off, it’s not something that’s harmful to you or your family. It is, however, harmful to your plumbing and to your overall quality of life.

Hard water is water that has a high level of minerals in it, which builds up and causes a number of potential problems that we’re about to get into. The minerals that cause this problem are calcium and magnesium, and sometimes iron.

So how do you know if your home is battling with this problem? Read on to find out!

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Your Home vs. Allergy Season—We Can Help You Win!

March 8th, 2021

This is a big title fight—one held in many homes each spring. It’s allergy season taking on the air quality in a house, and the losers can be anyone in the house who suffers from even mild allergies and asthma. This can be a miserable time of the year for these people, and with many trapped indoors this year, there isn’t much chance to get away from the concentration of allergens and asthma triggers that build up indoors.

But if your home has to duel it out with allergy season each year, you don’t have to fight the battle alone. We can help you! 

The allergy season dilemma

Let’s get to know the enemy. Why does “allergy season” happen at all? 

When the weather starts to warm up, it causes a spring bloom. The warmer weather is pleasant—who doesn’t like it when the cold starts to ebb?—and the flora sure looks pretty. But the bloom of plants and the warmer temperatures causes a release of pollen into the air, where it thrives. This pollen isn’t just from flowers. Ragweed, trees, and grass are major sources of allergens in the air. Mold spores are common as well during spring, and these are big allergy triggers. If your house has pets, they also start to shed fur at this time and that puts more dander into the air. 

As the pollen count rises in the air, it leads to many seasonal allergy problems, such as runny noses, sneezing, congestion, raspy breathing, itchy eyes and skin, and a general feeling of “ickiness.” Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) is the most common allergic reaction during the season. 

Staying inside isn’t much protection

“Wait, I’m staying indoors most of the time because of COVID-19. Why should I have problems with spring allergies?” 

It sounds sensible, right? But your home isn’t the fortress against outside air you may think it is. Pollen travels—that’s the point of pollen as a plant reproductive strategy. You only have to go for a short walk outside or open up the windows for fresh air and you’ll let the allergens inside, where they’ll circulate through your HVAC system. 

How we can help

Now, don’t despair. You don’t have to find a way to seal up your house entirely and give up those healthy walks that are necessary during the pandemic so you don’t go stir crazy. We can help you enjoy better air quality with IAQ solutions that trap or zap the most common allergens of the season. Air filtration systems can remove the larger particles, and to handle smaller ones we can find an air purifier in Ceres, CA that targets the specific seasonal allergens that bother your house. For example, a UV air purifier targets mold spores and bacteria, which are huge troubles for people with asthma and allergies. 

Spring hasn’t officially started, but it’s almost here—as is the warmer weather that will cause the pollen count to skyrocket. Now is the time to prepare your home and family with indoor air quality services. Speak to our experts today and we’ll see what you need to make allergy season as sniffle and sneeze-free as possible. 

Greenhart serves Modesto, CA with great indoor air quality services. Let us help you “Live Green, Save Green!”

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“Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?”

March 1st, 2021

With cooler temperatures lingering a bit longer this year, the last thing you need in your home is a malfunctioning furnace. So if yours is all of the sudden blowing out cold air, this is of course a big problem.

There are a number of reasons that this might be happening. We’ll dive into that below, so keep reading! But please do not try to diagnose or fix your furnace yourself. You could wind up with more problems rather than less and a pretty big headache. Instead, call our professionals if you suspect any of the following issues, or if nothing you do will resolve the cold air coming out of your room vents.

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How You Can Benefit From a Tankless Water Heater

February 22nd, 2021

The standard water heater found in most homes is known as a storage water heater or a tank water heater. You’re familiar with this kind of system since one of them is probably handling your hot water needs at this moment: it uses a large tank to store water, which is kept heated for whenever a tap comes on in the house to request hot water.

There is another option to heat water for your house, however, and you might be considering one for your next water heater install. It’s a tankless water heater. The technology of tankless water heaters has been around for more than a century, but not until the last few decades have they reached the point where they’re immensely beneficial for homes. More and more people are choosing to go tankless for the hot water supply in their homes. 

Why? Tankless water heaters offer several great advantages:

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