Signs That You May Have a Plumbing Leak

September 26th, 2022

Plumbing leaks are the pits. If a pipe suddenly breaks, you could end up with expensive water damage in your home. It’s especially bad if it happens while you’re on vacation!

Thankfully, dramatic pipe bursts are rare. Most of the time plumbing leaks happen slowly and, if you are paying attention, you can catch them before they cause a huge disaster. Here are a few signs that you may have a plumbing leak that you should be watching for. 

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Beware These Signs of AC Trouble

September 12th, 2022

Has your air conditioner started acting a little out of whack? It might start off slowly at first. You might not even notice all the signs because you do not even realize that there is something wrong. Gradually, it can get to the point where your air conditioner breaks down entirely, and you are left wondering how you let that happen.

An air conditioner is one of the most important investments you can make to keep your home comfortable, especially considering how hot it can get here in Modesto. As temperatures begin to rise in California, your AC will be essential in keeping the indoor temperatures cool and comfortable.

To make sure that you can keep your AC in optimal condition, you need to call in professionals for air conditioning repair in Modesto, CA, at the first sign of trouble. Not sure what the signs are? This guide will help.

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What Should Your Air Conditioner Sound Like When It’s Running Properly?

August 15th, 2022

A pretty popular topic in regards to “AC repair” blogs is going to be the sounds you shouldn’t hear coming from your air conditioner–noises that typically indicate that something is wrong and might require repairs or at the very least some troubleshooting. Even in our own blog, we’ve had posts about these warning sounds.

What’s not discussed enough, however, is what your air conditioner should sound like when it’s running exactly as it is supposed to. There is no such thing as a completely silent air conditioner. While technology is making them quieter and quieter, there are some sounds you’ll still be able to hear, and in fact should hear when your air conditioner is operating as it should be. Read on to learn what these noises are.

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Your “Guide” to AC Installation

August 1st, 2022

We all know just how hot it can be here in this part of California, especially during the summer. Therefore, you deserve to own a great air conditioning system to keep you and your family cool and comfortable all season long! If you own a not-so-great system or if you’re having an AC installed for the first time, you’re in luck!

To get you started, we have provided our quick guide to AC installation in Modesto, CA. Of course, it is always best to contact a professional for the installation of your new air conditioner, especially since we will know how to match it to your specific home and needs for maximum efficacy and efficiency. That said, we’re sharing this guide with you not as a “how-to” instruction, but as a guide to why it’s important to trust a professional for the job!

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Leading Signs Your Plumbing System Needs Repiping

July 18th, 2022

If you’ve been a homeowner for very long, then you probably already know that plumbing problems are just a part of life. It’s likely you’ll suffer from at least a small leak or a minor drain clog. If you’re lucky, that’s the worst you’ll have to deal with.

But it’s important to know that if your pipes are old, made of outdated material, or damaged in some way, then it’s time to consider if you might need whole-house repiping–when all the pipes in your home are replaced with newer plumbing pipes.

Read on to learn how to determine if you should have repiping done.

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3 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Cooling System

July 4th, 2022

Do you know how long your air conditioner is designed to last? This could be a bit of a trick question since it’s dependent on one really big factor–maintenance.

The standard air conditioner should have professional maintenance done at least once a year, and if you have a year-round heat pump system, maintenance should be done twice a year. So long as this schedule is followed, then your air conditioner should theoretically have a useful service life of 10-15 years.

Of course, that does mean that eventually, you’ll have to replace the system. But how do you know when that time has come? Read on as we uncover some of the most common signs that your air conditioner may need an upgrade sooner rather than later.

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How to Decide Between a Tank or Tankless Water Heater

June 20th, 2022

Water heaters are one of those home comfort systems that are relatively easy to take for granted, even though they are one of the appliances we rely on the most. Could you even imagine being without hot water for showering and all the other needs a modern household has?

When it comes time to replace your water heater–yes that’s right, no water heater lasts forever–then you’ll want to do your due diligence in exploring your options to make sure you have the most efficient system possible.

The two main options to choose from when selecting a water heater are the tank water heater and the tankless water heater. You may have heard a lot about the tankless system in recent years, as it is growing in popularity. It’s become an ultra-efficient option for many homeowners! However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right for every home and situation. Read on as we uncover the differences between these systems, and give us a call if you want help making an educated decision between the two.

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It’s Never Too Late For This AC Service…

June 6th, 2022

When it comes to maintenance, our customers and other homeowners assume that there is only one time to get it done, and if you miss that window, you have to wait until the following year. This is just not the case! Yes, we recommend air conditioning maintenance in the spring. The reason for this is because it’s before you’ll need your system the most, and because our HVAC technicians are generally less busy with emergency calls, so you can schedule your maintenance session at your earliest convenience.

But, unless your air conditioner has completely broken down and is beyond the state of repair, it’s never actually too late to schedule AC maintenance. In fact, consistency matters more than the time of the year. It’s important that an air conditioner receive a professional tune-up at least once a year. If you have a heat pump system, which operates year-round to provide you with effective cooling and heating, then this service should be done once every 6 months.

Why is this consistent service so important though?

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5 Unusual Sounds Your Air Conditioner Should Never Make

May 23rd, 2022

When your air conditioner is on and running, it makes a few sounds that are completely normal. Most sounds happen as your unit is starting up or turning off. Noises that are minimal don’t usually signal that anything is wrong, but other sounds can be cause for concern. If you’re not sure about the sounds coming from your AC unit, always get it checked out.

As a general rule, there are five sounds that your AC unit should never make. Hearing an unusual sound is a sign that something is wrong, and you should reach out to a professional as soon as you can. A certified technician has the expertise to identify the problem and fix it. Ignoring concerns can lead to permanent damage to your air conditioning unit.

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The One Indoor Air Quality Solution Every Home with Central HVAC Needs

May 9th, 2022

Nobody likes to get sick–and unfortunately, the germs and viruses that make us ill are typically too small to see or feel. Microscopic pathogens such as bacteria, mold spores, and viruses can cause a wide range of health issues, and most people are unaware of what they’re breathing in as a result.

A general rule of thumb of the last couple of years has been that staying home helps us avoid sickness. But on the contrary, contaminants can be indoors and still make you sick, even without you going anywhere. This is especially true for households with central HVAC systems, which have a risk you might not have ever considered.

There may be mold, mildew, or bacteria present in your HVAC air ducts! And every time you run your central air conditioner or heating system, the blower fan helps those spores and particles enter your living space, where they have the opportunity to infect you and your family.

The solution to this? A UV germicidal light! This is also referred to as a UV air purifier. Read on to learn more!

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