DeHart Plumbing, Heating, and Air Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

AC Repair 101: Detecting a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

As spring comes to an end, your air conditioner becomes your best friend. But what happens when your cool oasis turns into a source of worry? A refrigerant leak can be a serious issue, impacting your comfort, wallet, and even the environment.

This blog post dives into the world of refrigerant leaks, focusing on how to detect them and why professional air conditioner service in Salida is essential.

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Is It Time to Retire Your AC?

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Now that we’re not depending so much on our air conditioning systems, we can finally start to look at the long term. While pumpkin carving season is upon us and you’ve likely got some good scary movies and costumes lined up, the age of your air conditioner might be the most terrifying thing of all.

Just like the ghosts we’re going to see trick or treating, your air conditioner might be about to expire and turn into a ghost itself. But as a homeowner, you might benefit tremendously if you’re ready for that expiration and can invest in AC replacement when it’s necessary. Or, if your air conditioner still has a few years left, you can instead opt for AC repair in Manteca, CA.

The choice might be yours, but you’ll want to make sure you make the smartest choice you can. Keep reading and be sure to call a team of experts for their opinion before you pay for a service that might be expensive.

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Tips for When It Gets Too Hot

Monday, July 17th, 2023

It’s no secret that we’re already reaching record-high temperatures as of late. And since we’re only in July, they’re likely to continue on this trend until fall finally hits full swing. This isn’t really much of a problem, since a quick trip to the beach or a day in the pool will likely make anyone feel great. But if you’re trying to spend your day-to-day life working, relaxing, or enjoying your hobbies indoors, then your AC is going to be working hard.

So, how about we ease the burden on your air conditioner by doing a few things that can improve temperature control in your home and increase your overall energy efficiency? Sound like a good idea?

There are plenty of things you can do, from hiring a professional for AC repair in Tracy, CA, to running your ceiling fan, that will help keep the scorching hot summer temperatures from causing trouble in your life.

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PSA: Change That Air Filter!

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

Yep, we mean right now! Feel free to pause your reading of this blog to change your air filter if you already know how to do it. We can wait.

What if I’ve never changed my air filter before? What even is the air filter? Is it even that important to change the filter this frequently?

These are all excellent questions, and for customers who might be new to this whole “air filter” thing, we’d like to answer them below. Every single air conditioning system utilizes an air filter to keep contaminants away from the sensitive coils and components of the system. This filter gets clogged up and can lead to a whole host of problems if you’re not careful. As your local experts and technicians who provide AC repair in Stockton, CA, we’re here to answer all of your filter-related questions and keep your air conditioning technology in good shape.

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The DeHart Guide to “Short Cycling”

Monday, April 24th, 2023

You’ve turned your air conditioner on for the first couple of times this season and you’ve noticed something peculiar–it’s running in shorter cycles than it used to. At first, this might just feel like a fluke, perhaps you’re just not measuring the time accurately since you’re busy. Or, maybe your air conditioner just doesn’t need to work as hard this year as opposed to last year. But these are usually justifications for ignoring a pretty serious problem that’s taking place.

This is what we call in the industry short cycling and it’s a devastating problem, both with how hard it can be to notice, and how bad it is for the AC. It’s not just a problem in and of itself, it’s a symptom of some other problems. A professional will be able to tell you all about this when you schedule AC repair in Modesto, CA. And trust us, if your air conditioner is short cycling this spring, then you definitely need professional repairs.

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My AC Is Acting Strange… Is This Normal?

Monday, November 21st, 2022

It may be almost winter, but in the Modesto area, that doesn’t necessarily mean much. So even as we start using our heaters a bit, you should still ask yourself how your AC system is acting. Are the things it’s doing normal or should you call your local HVAC technician? Knowing the difference between what is normal and what constitutes a service call can end up saving you both time and money, so it’s important to be aware!

For your convenience, we’ve listed some of the most common “is this normal” questions homeowners have when it comes to their air conditioning systems. Keep reading below to find out more!

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Beware These Signs of AC Trouble

Monday, September 12th, 2022

Has your air conditioner started acting a little out of whack? It might start off slowly at first. You might not even notice all the signs because you do not even realize that there is something wrong. Gradually, it can get to the point where your air conditioner breaks down entirely, and you are left wondering how you let that happen.

An air conditioner is one of the most important investments you can make to keep your home comfortable, especially considering how hot it can get here in Modesto. As temperatures begin to rise in California, your AC will be essential in keeping the indoor temperatures cool and comfortable.

To make sure that you can keep your AC in optimal condition, you need to call in professionals for air conditioning repair in Modesto, CA, at the first sign of trouble. Not sure what the signs are? This guide will help.

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What Should Your Air Conditioner Sound Like When It’s Running Properly?

Monday, August 15th, 2022

A pretty popular topic in regards to “AC repair” blogs is going to be the sounds you shouldn’t hear coming from your air conditioner–noises that typically indicate that something is wrong and might require repairs or at the very least some troubleshooting. Even in our own blog, we’ve had posts about these warning sounds.

What’s not discussed enough, however, is what your air conditioner should sound like when it’s running exactly as it is supposed to. There is no such thing as a completely silent air conditioner. While technology is making them quieter and quieter, there are some sounds you’ll still be able to hear, and in fact should hear when your air conditioner is operating as it should be. Read on to learn what these noises are.

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5 Unusual Sounds Your Air Conditioner Should Never Make

Monday, May 23rd, 2022

When your air conditioner is on and running, it makes a few sounds that are completely normal. Most sounds happen as your unit is starting up or turning off. Noises that are minimal don’t usually signal that anything is wrong, but other sounds can be cause for concern. If you’re not sure about the sounds coming from your AC unit, always get it checked out.

As a general rule, there are five sounds that your AC unit should never make. Hearing an unusual sound is a sign that something is wrong, and you should reach out to a professional as soon as you can. A certified technician has the expertise to identify the problem and fix it. Ignoring concerns can lead to permanent damage to your air conditioning unit.

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“How Often Should I Change My HVAC Air Filter?”

Monday, April 11th, 2022

There is a common misconception about the air filter that comes standard with your air conditioning and heating systems–that it is in place to protect your indoor air quality. It certainly doesn’t hurt your indoor air quality, but its purpose is actually to protect the HVAC systems themselves from dirt, dust, and other debris that can get inside and harm their sensitive components, causing friction, overheating, and airflow resistance.

That said, it’s important that you change the air filter on a regular basis, but how regular? A general rule of thumb is every 1-3 months, depending on the type of filter and the level of contaminants or particles in your home. We’ll elaborate more on this below, as well as just why it is so important to change that filter on a routine basis.

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